Isle of Thanet Railway Society
© Isle of Thanet Railway Society - Author: Steve Costin IOTRS Secretary
N Gauge
Sherholton is a country branch terminus set somewhere
in deepest Devon.
It is not prototypical but we hope it gives the flavour of a
pre-war GWR branch .
The layout is an end to end one, starting at the simple
hidden fiddle yard to the right, and finishing at Sherholton
station and station yard to the left.
The single line emerges from under a road bridge, and as
part of this bridge construction a local canal is also
crossed. A lock comes into view, and barges can be seen
operating in the area. As the line progresses various fields
with farm animals can be seen look out also for line-side
foxes and rabbits.
As the line approaches the station the line splits to enter a
small station yard and coaling and watering facilities.
There is a 'run round' at the station and a small signal box
controlling the line at the branch station and entry to the
Sherholton at Hornby 2017 exhibition
The station is fairly busy one, the line being the link to the main line a
few miles away, and the approach road from Sherholton and other
local villages in the area can be seen. The line was to be extended by
the operating company' but like many other similar projects it never
came about, and sadly as we all know, Sherholton probably ceased to
exist under the 'Beeching axe'
Sherholton Station and Yard
The Baseboard Wiring
Sherholton ready to transport to an exhibition
Somewhere in Glorious Devon